Mindful has intentionally, and consciously, selected products to blossom your journey with zero waste and mindful living. Explore The Refillery and be inspired by a simple life of reducing waste and increasing positive change. Bring a reusable container and "be the change"!
Mindful's roots were humbly established in 2016 as Balanced Source Massage Therapy. We have gratefully evolved to support and foster a sense of mindfulness and consciousness towards the environment and one's self, as well as in our community. We offer a variety of approaches to achieve and maintain your optimal health. Whether you are experiencing pain or simply want to improve your physical and mental well-being, Mindful provides a healing and friendly environment to do so.
The support of our community inspires us to continuously do better: do better for our clients, and do better for our planet. Showing kindness and love to our environment is an act of showing kindness and love to each other.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'"